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Wednesday, 16 July 2014 00:00

Daxtra at Bullhorn Live London 2014

After the success of the first UK version of Bullhorn live last year, the recruitment database provider calls for a new users meeting on the 11th of November. 

As one of their longest lasting partners, DaXtra Technologies will be there and be pleased to show you how our software integrates and empowers your Bullhorn database.

Published in Events

Are you an in-house recruiter? Then you probably know that the JobPost Talent Leaders Connect is the next event you have to attend: the largest in-house recruitment industry event series in the UK, combining keynote talks and interactive panel discussions with relaxed social networking.

With over 10 years experience in recruitment technology, at Daxtra we know what the main concerns for in-house recruiters are, and on the 9th October, we will run a keynote presentation and masterclass on “How to raise the profile of in house team and how technology can maximise the flexibility of internal data” during JobPost Talent Leaders Connect. The main points that we will address are:

•How easy is it for in-house teams to gain the visibility they need of candidate data across multiple systems.

•What are the current issues in accessing this data.

•What are the available methods of turning large amounts of data into manageable formats.

Join us for a session where we will tell you how the in-house recruiters from some of the largest corporations in US and UK are already using our technology.


Published in Events

Several trends point at 2014 as a challenging year for recruiters. With a wealth of positions now available on the market, placing a candidate has never been easier, but nor has the competition doing it been so high. Check out these tips to make the most of the next few months:


Published in Daxtra Blog

Being an in-house recruiter involves several challenges. On one hand they have to make the most of the available sources of candidate data, and on the other they have to prove their value to the rest of the stakeholders within the organisation. 

This paper discusses:

  • The importance of bridging the gap between the popular use of online sources and the internal talent database. 
  • How an empowered internal database can further strengthen the existence and capacity of an in-house team, as a resource for decision making at a corporate level. 

Download it here now for free:

MASTERCLASS (9TH October, London) - If you want to find out more about how to rise the profile of your in-house team, please don't miss out the Master class that Daxtra will present on "Active sourcing and internal mobility" during Talent Leaders Connect #TLCon on the 9th of October.

Published in Daxtra Blog

DaXtra Technologies announces their participation in one of the main events for the recruitment industry in the Asia Pacific region: "Global Recruiter APAC Summit" (1-2 October).

If you want to take your recruitment company to the next level and stand out of the competition in your region, visit Stand no 7 and discover the technology that most recruiters in UK and US have been using for the last 10 years, available in 26 different languages.

You want to know more about the solutions we will be showing in Singapore? Read more.

Published in Events
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  • ISO-9001
  • ISO-27001

Industry Affiliations

  • American Staffing Association

  • American Staffing Association

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